Internal API

These classes are only intended for internal use in ndindex. They shouldn’t relied on as they may be removed or changed.

Note that the documentation for methods on ndindex classes will sometimes link to this page because the methods are defined on the on the ImmutableObject, NDIndex, or ArrayIndex base classes. These classes are not designed to be used directly. Such methods are present on all ndindex classes, which are what should be actually be constructed. Remember that the primary entry-point API for constructing ndindex index classes is the ndindex() function.

Base Classes

class ndindex.ndindex.ImmutableObject(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for immutable objects.

Subclasses of this class are immutable objects. They all have the .args attribute, which gives the full necessary data to recreate the class, via,

type(obj)(*obj.args) == obj

Note: subclasses that specifically represent indices should subclass NDIndex instead.

All classes that subclass ImmutableObject should define the _typecheck method. _typecheck(self, *args) should do type checking and basic type canonicalization, and either return a tuple of the new arguments for the class or raise an exception. Type checking means it should raise exceptions for input types that are never semantically meaningful for numpy arrays, for example, floating point indices, using the same exceptions as numpy where possible. Basic type canonicalization means, for instance, converting integers into int using operator.index(). All other canonicalization should be done in the reduce() method. The ImmutableObject base constructor will automatically set .args to the arguments returned by this method. Classes should always be able to recreate themselves with .args, i.e., type(obj)(*obj.args) == obj should always hold.

See also



idx.args contains the arguments needed to create idx.

For an ndindex object idx, idx.args is always a tuple such that

type(idx)(*idx.args) == idx

For Tuple indices, the elements of .args are themselves ndindex types. For other types, .args contains raw Python types. Note that .args contains NumPy arrays for IntegerArray and BooleanArray types, so one should always do equality testing or hashing on the ndindex type itself, not its .args.

class ndindex.ndindex.NDIndex(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Represents an index into an nd-array (i.e., a numpy array).

This is a base class for all ndindex types. All types that subclass this class should redefine the following methods

  • _typecheck(self, *args). See the docstring of ImmutableObject.

  • raw (a @property method) should return the raw index that can be passed as an index to a numpy array.

In addition other methods on this should be re-defined as necessary. Some methods have a default implementation on this class, which is sufficient for some subclasses.

The methods __init__ and __eq__ should not be overridden. Equality (and hashability) on NDIndex subclasses is determined by equality of types and .args. Equivalent indices should not attempt to redefine equality. Rather they should define canonicalization via reduce(). __hash__ is defined so that the hash matches the hash of .raw. If .raw is unhashable, __hash__ should be overridden to use hash(self.args).

See also



i.as_subindex(j) produces an index k such that a[j][k] gives all of the elements of a[j] that are also in a[i].

If a[j] is a subset of a[i], then a[j][k] == a[i]. Otherwise, a[j][k] == a[i & j], where i & j is the intersection of i and j, that is, the elements of a that are indexed by both i and j.

For example, in the below diagram, i and j index a subset of the array a. k = i.as_subindex(j) is an index on a[j] that gives the subset of a[j] also included in a[i]:

    +------------ self ------------+
    |                              |
------------------- a -----------------------
       |                                 |
       +------------- index -------------+
       |                           |
       +- self.as_subindex(index) -+

i.as_subindex(j) is currently only implemented when j is a slice with positive steps and nonnegative start and stop, or a Tuple of the same. To use it with slices with negative start or stop, call reduce() with a shape first.

as_subindex can be seen as the left-inverse of composition, that is, if a[i] = a[j][k], then k = i.as_subindex(j), so that k "=" (j^-1)[i] (this only works as a true inverse if j is a subset of i).

Note that due to symmetry, a[j][i.as_subindex(j)] and a[i][j.as_subindex(i)] will give the same subarrays of a, which will be the array of elements indexed by both a[i] and a[j].

i.as_subindex(j) may raise ValueError in the case that the indices i and j do not intersect at all.


An example usage of as_subindex is to split an index up into subindices of chunks of an array. For example, say a 1-D array a is chunked up into chunks of size N, so that a[0:N], a[N:2*N], [2*N:3*N], etc. are stored separately. Then an index a[i] can be reindexed onto the chunks via i.as_subindex(Slice(0, N)), i.as_subindex(Slice(N, 2*N)), etc.

>>> from ndindex import Slice
>>> i = Slice(5, 15)
>>> j1 = Slice(0, 10)
>>> j2 = Slice(10, 20)
>>> a = list(range(20))
>>> a[i.raw]
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
>>> a[j1.raw]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> a[j2.raw]
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
>>> k1 = i.as_subindex(j1)
>>> k1
Slice(5, 10, 1)
>>> k2 = i.as_subindex(j2)
>>> k2
Slice(0, 5, 1)
>>> a[j1.raw][k1.raw]
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> a[j2.raw][k2.raw]
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

See also


a high-level iterator that efficiently gives only those chunks that intersect with a given index



Broadcast all the array indices in self to a common shape and convert boolean array indices into integer array indices.

The resulting index is equivalent in all contexts where the original index is allowed. However, it is possible for the original index to give an IndexError but for the new index to not, since integer array indices have less stringent shape requirements than boolean array indices. There are also some instances for empty indices (isempty is True) where bounds would be checked before broadcasting but not after.

Any BooleanArray indices are converted to IntegerArray indices. Furthermore, if there are BooleanArray or IntegerArray indices, then any Integer indices are also converted into scalar IntegerArray indices and broadcast. Furthermore, if there are multiple boolean scalar indices (True or False), they are combined into a single one.

Note that array broadcastability is checked in the Tuple constructor, so this method will not raise any exceptions.

This is part of what is performed by expand, but unlike expand, this method does not do any other manipulations, and it does not require a shape.

>>> from ndindex import Tuple
>>> idx = Tuple([[False], [True], [True]], [[4], [5], [5]], -1)
>>> print(idx.broadcast_arrays())
Tuple(IntegerArray([[1 2] [1 2] [1 2]]),
      IntegerArray([[0 0] [0 0] [0 0]]),
      IntegerArray([[4 4] [5 5] [5 5]]),
      IntegerArray([[-1 -1] [-1 -1] [-1 -1]]))

See also



Expand a Tuple index on an array of shape shape

An expanded index is as explicit as possible. Unlike reduce, which tries to simplify an index and remove redundancies, expand() typically makes an index larger.

If self is invalid for the given shape, an IndexError is raised. Otherwise, the returned index satisfies the following:

  • It is always a Tuple.

  • All the elements of the Tuple are recursively reduced.

  • The length of the .args is equal to the length of the shape plus the number of Newaxis indices in self plus 1 if there is a scalar BooleanArray (True or False).

  • The resulting Tuple has no ellipses. If there are axes that would be matched by an ellipsis or an implicit ellipsis at the end of the tuple, Slice(0, n, 1) indices are inserted, where n is the corresponding axis of the shape.

  • Any array indices in self are broadcast together. If self contains array indices (IntegerArray or BooleanArray), then any Integer indices are converted into IntegerArray indices of shape () and broadcast. Note that broadcasting is done in a memory efficient way so that even if the broadcasted shape is large it will not take up more memory than the original.

  • Scalar BooleanArray arguments (True or False) are combined into a single term (the same as with Tuple.reduce()).

  • Non-scalar BooleanArrays are all converted into equivalent IntegerArrays via nonzero() and broadcasted.

>>> from ndindex import Tuple, Slice
>>> Slice(None).expand((2, 3))
Tuple(slice(0, 2, 1), slice(0, 3, 1))
>>> idx = Tuple(slice(0, 10), ..., None, -3)
>>> idx.expand((5, 3))
Tuple(slice(0, 5, 1), None, 0)
>>> idx.expand((1, 2, 3))
Tuple(slice(0, 1, 1), slice(0, 2, 1), None, 0)
>>> idx.expand((5,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
>>> idx.expand((5, 2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: index -3 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 2
>>> idx = Tuple(..., [0, 1], -1)
>>> idx.expand((1, 2, 3))
Tuple(slice(0, 1, 1), [0, 1], [2, 2])

Returns whether self always indexes an empty array

An empty array is an array whose shape contains at least one 0. Note that scalars (arrays with shape ()) are not considered empty.

shape can be None (the default), or an array shape. If it is None, isempty() will return True when self is always empty for any array shape. However, if it gives False, it could still give an empty array for some array shapes, but not all. If you know the shape of the array that will be indexed, use idx.isempty(shape) and the result will be correct for arrays of shape shape. If shape is given and self would raise an IndexError on an array of shape shape, isempty() also raises IndexError.

>>> from ndindex import Tuple, Slice
>>> Tuple(0, slice(0, 1)).isempty()
>>> Tuple(0, slice(0, 0)).isempty()
>>> Slice(5, 10).isempty()
>>> Slice(5, 10).isempty(4)

Check whether a given index is valid on an array of a given shape.

Returns True if an array of shape shape can be indexed by self and False if it would raise IndexError.

>>> from ndindex import ndindex
>>> ndindex(3).isvalid((4,))
>>> ndindex(3).isvalid((2,))

Note that some indices can never be valid and will raise a IndexError or TypeError if you attempt to construct them.

>>> ndindex((..., 0, ...))
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: an index can only have a single ellipsis ('...')
>>> ndindex(slice(True))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'bool' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

See also



Returns the shape of a[idx.raw], assuming a has shape shape.

shape should be a tuple of ints, or an int, which is equivalent to a 1-D shape.

Raises IndexError if self would be invalid for an array of shape shape.

>>> from ndindex import Slice, Integer, Tuple
>>> shape = (6, 7, 8)
>>> Integer(1).newshape(shape)
(7, 8)
>>> Integer(10).newshape(shape)
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 6
>>> Slice(2, 5).newshape(shape)
(3, 7, 8)
>>> Tuple(0, ..., Slice(1, 3)).newshape(shape)
(7, 2)

See also


property raw

Return the equivalent of self that can be used as an index

NumPy does not allow custom objects to be used as indices, with the exception of integer indices, so to use an ndindex object as an index, it is necessary to use raw.

>>> from ndindex import Slice
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(5)
>>> s = Slice(2, 4)
>>> a[s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
>>> a[s.raw]
array([2, 3])
reduce(shape=None, *, negative_int=False)[source]

Simplify an index given that it will be applied to an array of a given shape.

If shape is None (the default), the index will be canonicalized as much as possible while still staying equivalent for all array shapes that it does not raise IndexError for.

Either returns a new index type, which is equivalent on arrays of shape shape, or raises IndexError if the index would give an index error (for instance, out of bounds integer index or too many indices for array).

>>> from ndindex import Slice, Integer
>>> Slice(0, 10).reduce((5,))
Slice(0, 5, 1)
>>> Integer(10).reduce((5,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 5

For single axis indices such as Slice and Tuple, reduce takes an optional axis argument to specify the axis, defaulting to 0.

selected_indices(shape, axis=0)[source]

Return an iterator over all indices that are selected by self on an array of shape shape.

The result is a set of indices i such that [a[i] for i in idx.selected_indices(a.shape)] is all the elements of a[idx]. The indices are all iterated over in C (i.e., row major) order.

>>> from ndindex import Slice, Tuple
>>> idx = Slice(5, 10)
>>> list(idx.selected_indices(20))
[Integer(5), Integer(6), Integer(7), Integer(8), Integer(9)]
>>> idx = Tuple(Slice(5, 10), Slice(0, 2))
>>> list(idx.selected_indices((20, 3)))
[Tuple(5, 0), Tuple(5, 1),
 Tuple(6, 0), Tuple(6, 1),
 Tuple(7, 0), Tuple(7, 1),
 Tuple(8, 0), Tuple(8, 1),
 Tuple(9, 0), Tuple(9, 1)]

To correspond these indices to the elements of a[idx], you can use iter_indices(idx.newshape(shape)), since both iterators iterate the indices in C order.

>>> from ndindex import iter_indices
>>> idx = Tuple(Slice(3, 5), Slice(0, 2))
>>> shape = (5, 5)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(25).reshape(shape)
>>> for a_idx, (new_idx,) in zip(
...    idx.selected_indices(shape),
...    iter_indices(idx.newshape(shape))):
...        print(a_idx, new_idx, a[a_idx.raw], a[idx.raw][new_idx.raw])
Tuple(3, 0) Tuple(0, 0) 15 15
Tuple(3, 1) Tuple(0, 1) 16 16
Tuple(4, 0) Tuple(1, 0) 20 20
Tuple(4, 1) Tuple(1, 1) 21 21

See also


An iterator of indices to select every element for arrays of a given shape.


A high-level iterator that efficiently gives only those chunks that intersect with a given index

class ndindex.array.ArrayIndex(idx, shape=None, _copy=True)[source]

Superclass for array indices

This class should not be instantiated directly. Rather, use one of its subclasses, IntegerArray or BooleanArray.

To subclass this, define the dtype attribute, as well as all the usual ndindex methods.

dtype Subclasses should redefine this
property array

Return the NumPy array of self.

This is the same as self.args[0].

>>> from ndindex import IntegerArray, BooleanArray
>>> IntegerArray([0, 1]).array
array([0, 1])
>>> BooleanArray([False, True]).array
array([False, True])
isvalid(shape, _axis=0)[source]

Check whether a given index is valid on an array of a given shape.

Returns True if an array of shape shape can be indexed by self and False if it would raise IndexError.

>>> from ndindex import ndindex
>>> ndindex(3).isvalid((4,))
>>> ndindex(3).isvalid((2,))

Note that some indices can never be valid and will raise a IndexError or TypeError if you attempt to construct them.

>>> ndindex((..., 0, ...))
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: an index can only have a single ellipsis ('...')
>>> ndindex(slice(True))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'bool' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

See also


property ndim

Return the number of dimensions of the array of self.

This is the same as self.array.ndim. Note that this is not the same as the number of dimensions of an array that is indexed by self. Use len on newshape() to get that.

>>> from ndindex import IntegerArray, BooleanArray
>>> IntegerArray([[0], [1]]).ndim
>>> BooleanArray([[False], [True]]).ndim
property raw

Return the equivalent of self that can be used as an index

NumPy does not allow custom objects to be used as indices, with the exception of integer indices, so to use an ndindex object as an index, it is necessary to use raw.

>>> from ndindex import Slice
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(5)
>>> s = Slice(2, 4)
>>> a[s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
>>> a[s.raw]
array([2, 3])
property shape

Return the shape of the array of self.

This is the same as self.array.shape. Note that this is not the same as the shape of an array that is indexed by self. Use newshape() to get that.

>>> from ndindex import IntegerArray, BooleanArray
>>> IntegerArray([[0], [1]]).shape
(2, 1)
>>> BooleanArray([[False], [True]]).shape
(2, 1)
property size

Return the number of elements of the array of self.

This is the same as self.array.size. Note that this is not the same as the number of elements of an array that is indexed by self. Use on newshape() to get that.

>>> from ndindex import IntegerArray, BooleanArray
>>> IntegerArray([[0], [1]]).size
>>> BooleanArray([[False], [True]]).size

Other Internal Functions

class ndindex.slice.default[source]

A default keyword argument value.

Used as the default value for keyword arguments where None is also a meaningful value but not the default.


Convert idx into an integer index using __index__() or raise TypeError.

This is the same as operator.index() except it disallows boolean types.

This is a slight break in NumPy compatibility, as NumPy allows bools in some contexts where __index__() is used, for instance, in slices. It does disallow it in others, such as in shapes. The main motivation for disallowing bools entirely is 1) numpy.bool_.__index__() is deprecated (currently it matches the built-in bool.__index__() and returns the object unchanged, but prints a deprecation warning), and 2) for raw indices, booleans and 0/1 are completely different, i.e., a[True] is not the same as a[1].

>>> from ndindex.ndindex import operator_index
>>> operator_index(1)
>>> operator_index(1.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
>>> operator_index(True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'bool' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
ndindex.shapetools.asshape(shape, axis=None, *, allow_int=True, allow_negative=False)[source]

Cast shape as a valid NumPy shape.

The input can be an integer n (if allow_int=True), which is equivalent to (n,), or a tuple of integers.

If the axis argument is provided, an IndexError is raised if it is out of bounds for the shape.

The resulting shape is always a tuple of nonnegative integers. If allow_negative=True, negative integers are also allowed.

All ndindex functions that take a shape input should use:

shape = asshape(shape)


shape = asshape(shape, axis=axis)
ndindex.shapetools.ncycles(iterable, n)[source]

Iterate iterable repeated n times.

This is based on a recipe from the Python itertools docs, but improved to give a repr, and to denest when it can. This makes debugging iter_indices() easier.

This is only intended for internal usage.

>>> from ndindex.shapetools import ncycles
>>> ncycles(range(3), 2)
ncycles(range(0, 3), 2)
>>> list(_)
[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]
>>> ncycles(ncycles(range(3), 3), 2)
ncycles(range(0, 3), 6)
ndindex.shapetools.associated_axis(broadcasted_shape, i, skip_axes)[source]

Return the associated element of broadcasted_shape corresponding to shape[i] given skip_axes. If there is not such element (i.e., it’s out of bounds), returns None.

This function makes implicit assumptions about its input and is only designed for internal use.

ndindex.shapetools.remove_indices(x, idxes)[source]

Return x with the indices idxes removed.

This function is only intended for internal usage.

ndindex.shapetools.unremove_indices(x, idxes, *, val=None)[source]

Insert val in x so that it appears at idxes.

Note that idxes must be either all negative or all nonnegative.

This function is only intended for internal usage.

ndindex.shapetools.normalize_skip_axes(shapes, skip_axes)[source]

Return a canonical form of skip_axes corresponding to shapes.

A canonical form of skip_axes is a list of tuples of integers, one for each shape in shapes, which are a unique set of axes for each corresponding shape.

If skip_axes is an integer, this is basically [(skip_axes,) for s in shapes]. If skip_axes is a tuple, it is like [skip_axes for s in shapes].

The skip_axes must always refer to unique axes in each shape.

The returned skip_axes will always be negative integers and will be sorted.

This function is only intended for internal usage.